Sophia Hennige

Faded jeans may look great – but are they great for the environment? When it comes to garments like jeans and other clothing, it’s worth having a look at more than just what they cost off the rack: what’s the real cost of manufacturing fast fashion to the environment? We might not be able to change much about consumer behavior—but we can do our part to make these kind of products more sustainable for people and the environment. That’s why I’m especially proud of our totally ecological bleaching agents from the organIQ family of products, which doesn’t have harmful consequences for wastewater after the denim is treated. This product system means we’re really doing our part when it comes to making the process of manufacturing jeans cleaner and less resource intensive.


Sustainability without borders

Playing a part in making processes in the textile industry more sustainable is just a small part of what I do here at CHT. I also present our range of products to customers abroad and provide them with guidance and advice—in particular suppliers in Brazil and Portugal. That also entails transferring knowledge to our subsidiaries abroad by conducting workshops or giving presentations that I’ve prepared. The international dimension of my work and working in teams across borders is something I really enjoy—it’s one of the things that makes working at CHT so rewarding.

Portrait Sophia Kern
Sophia Hennige
Technical Service Manager in the Application Field Jeans & Garment
“YES. I make jeans more environmentally friendly.”

What motivates you most working at CHT?

I get a lot of support as a career starter and can grow in my career. I also have the chance to be part of driving innovative developments that prioritize issues like the environment and sustainability. A huge motivator for me is also how we appreciate each other as a team. You really feel you’re a part of making the magic happen and my onboarding process was excellent. The campus and our offices also make CHT a really comfortable and pleasant place to work. It’s pretty hard not to love working here!

Is your position at CHT your dream job?

You know, I have to admit I never really thought my first entry level position after completing my degree would be so awesome and fulfilling! I had real responsibilities really quickly after onboarding—and I was challenged, but also supported and encouraged. And up to now I’ve always felt my performance was recognized and appreciated. In the subordinate role as a lab technician I’ve already gained a lot of insights into the tasks and responsibilities that come with a management position—and that aspect is definitely a part of my dream job.

What kind of professional development have you done at CHT?

CHT’s professional development options have largely shifted to an online format in the past few months, which is great because there’s really something out there for everyone. I’ve used the platform to take part in a few online seminars on topics like emotion management, for example. I also took part in the first part of the seminar called The Role of Managers, which is a really interactive two day in-person seminar. I also take one-on-one Portuguese classes at CHT so I can improve the way I communicate with my clients in Brazil. It’s really great to get the kind of individual support CHT offers.

YES. I make jeans more environmentally friendly.

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YES. CHT at the Kingpins Amsterdam denim trade show

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YES. My successful contribution to the product launch.

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