Everyone has surely noticed by now that delivery times for everyday articles are considerably longer…
Cross-departmental communication as a formula for success: dependencies and supply shortages are…
New product, new marketing possibilities: Sophia Hennige (Technical Service Manager in the Jeans and…
How do we talk to each other in our team, how do we motivate each other and how can we optimise…
Can we still work closely in teams even as we remain apart? YES. Dr. Kerstin Mitzka tells us more…
If the first thing you think of when you hear the word chemistry is a bone-dry formula that nobody…
Taking the lead early on? YES – Sophia Hennige is responsible for an apprentice at CHT and is…
International exchange despite travel restrictions? YES. Sophia Hennige and her team conduct digital…
Presenting new products even with travel restrictions? YES, we can. Sophia Hennige and her colleague…